Getting Out Of Our Own Way

It is true at times we are our own worst enemies. But we don’t have to yield to that truth. We have the power to defeat that part of ourselves that creates self-doubt and prevents self-improvement. In this session we will talk about how to identify our inner saboteur. We will learn how to change those negative self-beliefs to positive and empowering statements. The workshop will be led by Lambda Chapter's Vanessa Morales. About the speaker Vanessa Morales was initiated at Lambda Chapter in Spring 2008. Since then she has graduated from ASU with a Bachelor of Science in Family and Human Development. She completed two years of service in the Peace Corps as a youth development worker in Ukraine. And is currently pursuing a Master of Social Work. Vanessa is employed as a Housing Stability Specialist at UMOM New Day Center, the largest family shelter in Arizona. She is a case manager for the rapid re-housing program which provides rental assistance and support services to families exiting homelessness.