Omega Phi Chi offers support to all Sisters

Omega Phi Chi offers support to all Sisters
For Immediate Release
Contact Nicole Klauss, National Director of Public Relations
New Brunswick, NJ — Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. is offering support to our Sisters and their families who may be affected by the executive order issued on Jan. 27 that blocked citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days, blocked Syrian refugees from entering the country and suspended all refugee admissions for 120 days.
Our organization is built on multiculturalism, and we recognize the value that diversity has in our nation and the world. We do not support the President's executive order. We support and stand by our Sisters and others of Muslim heritage, and encourage the public to do so as well. Omega Phi Chi was one of the founding members of the National Multicultural Greek Council in 1998, and today we continue to offer our love and support to different ethnicities and cultures.
We support the actions taken by the American Civil Liberties Union, which challenged the executive order in court as violating the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution, and resulted in a Federal District Court Judge issuing a stay, blocking the discriminatory policy from taking effect. We support the lawyers around the nation who rushed to airports to help people returning from business or other travels deal with this discriminatory issue. We thank the members of the public who have marched to show support for the people affected by this ban.
As Sisters we will support each other during these times, and will lead our communities by example.
For more information about Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
About Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
The purpose of Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority is to generate unity among all women by fostering a sisterhood based on honesty, loyalty, respect, responsibility, academic excellence, and involvement in community service. Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority is committed to helping others and making differences throughout communities. Its National Board supports and promotes philanthropic endeavors of all kinds throughout the year through the National Philanthropy: Omega Phi Chi Community Advocates Responsible for Educating and Serving (OPC C.A.R.E.S). OPC C.A.R.E.S. aims to promote compassion, improve communities, and take advantage of educational opportunities, which can strengthen both the organization and local communities. Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority is a founding member of the National Multicultural Greek Council, the national governing council for multicultural fraternities and sororities. Members of sororities serve in leadership roles on the NMGC Board of Directors.