Brief History

Omega Phi Chi is a multicultural sorority that was founded on November 9, 1988 at Rutgers University New Brunswick in New Jersey by eight women of Asian, African-American, and Latina descent. Our eight founding mothers were an active group of young women leaders who felt the absence of any organization on the Rutgers campus that spoke to their needs across diverse backgrounds, distinct cultural roots and a commitment to womanhood. Omega Phi Chi dared to be different. They came together to found a multicultural sorority, a different type of organization, that would not be categorized by ethnicity or culture.
Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. is one of the founding organizations of the National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC). Established in 1998, the NMGC is an umbrella council for a coalition of Multicultural Greek-letter organizations (MGLOs). The purpose of NMGC is to provide a forum that allows for the free exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities; to promote the awareness of multicultural diversity within collegiate institutions, their surrounding communities, and the greater community-at-large, and to support and promote the works of its member organizations.
For more information regarding the NMGC, visit their website at www.nationalmgc.org
Founding Mothers

Omega Phi Chi was founded by a group of eight diverse women leaders we call our Founding Mothers. They established an organization that exemplifies the qualities of a true sisterhood. Much like a real family, our bond is undeniable and clearly visible. We take pride in maintaining this level of closeness as we grow as an organization.

Bernadette Santana
Filipina & Dominican

Dawn Gonzalez
Puerto Rican

Cindy Cumba
Puerto Rican & Mexican
Stacy Richardson
African American

Annette Cuevas
Puerto Rican

Socorro Valle
Puerto Rican

Tracie Davis
African American

Magdaly Casillas
Puerto Rican
The overall purpose of Omega Phi Chi is to generate unity among all women. We believe that we can promote ethnic diversity by integrating women across all boundaries and cultures. Through the common bond of womanhood, we are then able to nurture our ideas of sisterhood. Among our ideas of sisterhood are the concepts of love, honesty, loyalty, mutual respect, and the responsibility of one another. After unity, the main objectives of this organization are academic excellence and involvement in community affairs. Education plays a vital role throughout the course of one’s lifetime; therefore, through the aid of donations, scholarships, and the shared efforts of our sisters, we can propel one another towards various career goals and aspirations. We aim to promote positivity and an improved outlook on life, as well as foster opportunities to improve one's standard of living.

Omega Phi Chi was founded as a non-profit organization. Our official name is Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. We refer to the organization as "OPC". Sisters of the organization are referred to as "Omegas" or "Sophisticated Sisters".

Mascot: Black Panther
Stone: Black Onyx
Flower: Lady's Pink Slipper
also known as Moccasin
Perfect Pink
Onyx Black
Our Symbols & Colors

Our Shield

Objectives, Mottos & Values
We have two mottos, two main objectives and two core values.
Our mottos are:
Destroying all Boundaries. Uniting All Races.
Omega Phi Chi. We Dare to be Different!
Preserving the Past. Cultivating the Present. Building the Future.
Omega Phi Chi. We Dare to be Different!
Our main objectives are:
Diversity at its Finest ®
Dare to Be Different TM
Omega Phi Chi Sorority preserves the past and values our foundation. As an organization founded on diversity by eight women leaders of diverse backgrounds, OPC strives to promote multiculturalism through the various channels provided by our communities nationwide. Omega Phi Chi is also a founding member of the National Multicultural Greek council. We embody Diversity at its Finest ®.
Our core values are:
Academic Excellence
Involvement in Community Affairs
Academic excellence is an extremely important value in the success of women. It provides a foundation that enables women to advance in the professional realm. It is achieved through providing the avenues and resources for sisters to become successful in a collegiate setting, as well as, professionally.
Maximizing development in academics also enhances the intellectual capabilities of our members and contributes to the skills available to service our humanitarian efforts and service the communities in which we reside. Involvement in Community Affairs is achieved through hosting educational programs, supporting philanthropic causes, and participating in a number of community service projects in our areas.