Focus on the Road Ahead #iFocus4

For Immediate Release
Contact: Anaisabel Montenegro
Omega Phi Chi Sorority, Inc. Multicultural
August 28, 2013
OPC C.A.R.E.S. is proud to announce its new campaign, Stop Texting & Driving Awareness & Prevention, which is designed to increase awareness about the deadly consequences of texting while driving. We are inviting all local and national fraternities and sororities, as well as collegiate groups and community-based organizations to join us and take the pledge against texting while driving.
“Each pledge made to never text while driving is a symbol of commitment to be part of a movement that helps everyone make safe choices with their wireless devices on the road. “
“There is no such thing as safe texting and driving. Texting while driving is dangerous and is one of the leading causes of traffic injuries and deaths across North America.”
Omega Phi Chi Sorority Inc. encourages all drivers to “Focus on the road ahead. Don’t Text and Drive.” We will sponsor awareness programs & events across the country to address this new and devastating epidemic making the headlines everyday. In Recent news the loss of innocent lives due to texting while driving has increased at high rates bringing this issue to the forefront of the American consciousness, sparking the idea of the Campaign.
”Together, we can all have a part in making sure that no more lives are lost. No message is so urgent that it is worth diverting attention from the road and risking lives in the process.”
Omega Phi Chi Sorority, Inc. was founded on November 9, 1988 at Rutgers University in New Jersey. The purpose of the organization is to generate unity among all women by fostering a sisterhood based on honesty, loyalty, respect, responsibility, academic excellence, and involvement in community service. Omega Phi Chi Sorority, Inc. is committed to helping others and making differences throughout communities. Its National Board supports and promotes philanthropic endeavors of all kinds throughout the year through the National Philanthropy: Omega Phi Chi Community Advocates Responsible for Educating and Serving (OPC C.A.R.E.S). OPC C.A.R.E.S. aims to promote compassion, improve communities, and take advantage of educational opportunities, which can strengthen both the organization and local communities.
Omega Phi Chi Sorority Inc. is a founding member of the National Multicultural Greek Council, Inc., the national governing council for multicultural fraternities and sororities. Members of sororities serve in leadership roles on the NMGC Board of Directors.