Omega Newsletter
February 2025
Wishing all returning students a wonderful start to the semester!

Position Tips & Tricks
Review the requirements matrix with your chapter to ensure everyone is on the same page with expectations.
Maintain good campus relations by supporting other organizations!
Vice President
The best way to manage your time is to organize yourself and plan ahead.
Check your email for updates from the National Vice President!
Keep in touch with all of your interests as the spring process is coming up! Start planning interest events to keep the momentum going!
Please keep a look out for the soiree calendar! We have upcoming dates for ALL chapters. Please join! Please support our undergrad
When planning fundraisers, ensure expectations and role delegation is clear in advance. You also want to always low-ball your profit.
Create universal budgets based on success of prior fundraisers and leverage social media for promotion and maximum engagement.

Congrats to our newest sister,
Alexa Quispe!
Alpha Chapter - Winter 2025 🇵🇪

Warmest of welcomes to NBOD's newly appointed,
Director of Expansion,
Victoria Cinquegrana!

Key Updates:
Key Dates:
National Board of Directors Elections coming soon! Start brainstorming on sisters to nominate!
Open NBOD Positions:
National Co-Director of Recruitment-Strategy
National Co-Director of Public Relations-Undergraduate Focus
National Archivist
Winter Break Community Service hours along with alumni advisor information was due Monday, January 27th at 12pm. Contact the National VP (Paola) if you did not send it!
Dean of Recruitment's must meet with the National Director of Recruitment (Andreina) by the end of the month
Undergraduate Monthly Reports are due on the 15th of each month and can be found via jotform. You can access these reports through our Sisters-Only Forms Portal.
Undergraduate Dues due by 2/17 via zelle to deposit@omegaphichi.org
National Governing Board Meeting
The April GB Meeting will be held in-person on 4/27 at 12pm ET. Location TBA**
Sunday, April 27th at 1:30pm at
Kean University
Omega Weekend 2025
July 18th-20th in NJ!
Upcoming Soirées
Theta Chapter - Kean University
February 6th, 8:30PM
April 1st, 8PM
Mu Chapter - Montclair State University
February 5th, 9PM
March 6th, 9PM
April 10th, 9PM
Nu Chapter - Rutgers University-Newark
February 26th, 7:30PM
**Please reach out to the chapter and view the chapter's instagram for location details**


Calling all Alumni sisters to become Active to support the sisterhood! To pay dues, please use onyxaccess.org.
Virtual Alumni General Body Meeting - Feb 5th at 7:30 PM ET
Virtual Tea & Transparency Event - Feb 11th 7:30 PM
In-Person Galentine Events : NJ & NY Details to come

New Member Education Process
Chapters having intake:
Alpha Chapter
Epsilon Chapter
Theta Chapter
Mu Chapter
Nu Chapter
Psi Chapter
Contact Information:
If you have any concerns or issues, please contact the Membership Committee at membership@omegaphi.org.
Active Sisters with privileges can support chapters both in person or virtually. Once Intake begins, sisters on the active list will receive weekly updates on locations.
Undergraduate Sisters (UG) Requirements:
UG sisters must complete 8 hours per week if their chapter is conducting intake.
UG sisters must complete 4 hours per week if their chapter is not conducting intake.
Hosting Sessions:
If you are open to hosting New Member Education sessions at your home, please reach out to Membership for approval.
Supporting All Chapters:
Even if your chapter is not conducting intake, please support all chapters throughout the New Member Education process. Your involvement is crucial in fostering unity and success across all chapters.
Important Reminders for Active Sisters Attending Sessions:
Purpose: Cultivate quality Omega Women.
Respect: Always be respectful towards the Prospective New Members (PNMs) and mindful of the process.
Communication: Do not interrupt or disrespect any sister during a session.
Focus: Teach PNMs to listen to and respond to the sister who first addressed them, rather than to the one who may be speaking more loudly or assertively.
Leadership: The Educator is in charge of the session, and their direction should be followed.