Omega Newsletter
OctobeR 2024
🎃🕸️ Commence spooky season! 🕸️🎃

Position Tips & Tricks
Academic Dean
Find a study zone - a place that will be your work station.
Join and/or start a group chat or study group for difficult classes. Align yourself with students that have a strong understanding of the material.
Try to read chapters ahead of time. Use class as a way to “backfill” info or clarify misunderstandings.
Familiarize yourself with the tutoring system in your school just in case.
Get ahold of your professors office hours for help and familiarity.
Reminder that meeting minutes are due on the 15th of each month.
If your chapter ever needs Greektory support, feel free to reach out to the national secretary at secretary@omegaphichi.org.
TIP: Edit meeting minutes as you go and/or record meeting to retain accurate notes.
Membership Reminders
Locations!! If you are open to having sessions at your home please reach out to Membership or Educators immediately.
Please be sure to support all chapters throughout the New Member Education Process! Even if your chapter does not have any PNM taking on the process.
Things to remember for active sisters who are attending sessions.
Purpose - Cultivate quality Omega Women
Respect the PNM that is taking on this process. Be mindful!!
Do not cut off or disrespect any sister during any session.
Aim at teaching the prospective new member to listen and respond to the sister who first addressed them and not to the one that stands out.
The Educator is IN CHARGE of the session.
If you have any issues or concerns please contact Membership at membership@omegaphi.org.

Want to share what hispanic heritage month means to you?
We are hosting a social media series of sisters sharing what this time means for them from now-October 15th.
Please tag @omegaphichi or email your video (of no more than 60-seconds) to pr@omegaphichi.org

🍂🍁 Fallen in love with OPC? 🍁🍂

New Member Edcuation Process:
Chapters who will be having intake this semester
Gamma Chapter (1PNM) - Educator: Camila Salomon - (551) 358-9344
Mu Chapter (3PNM) - Educator: Miriella Gonzalez-Ullon (239) 776-1853
Nu Chapter (1PNM) - Educator: Rayza Gonzales (862) 438-3046
Updates/Key Reminders
Gamma, Mu and Nu Chapter will be starting workshops on October 2nd and will be having birth October 11th.
Gamma, Mu, and Nu Chapter will be having birth together. If you would like to attend birth please reach out to the educators.
Active Sisters with privileges can support chapters In person or virtually. Once the process begins sisters on the active sister list will receive weekly updates on locations.
Reminder! 8 hours per week for undergraduates at chapters having intake. 4 hours per week for undergraduate chapters that are not having intake.
Locations!! If you are open to having sessions at your home please reach out to Membership or Educators immediately.
If you have any issues or concerns please contact the educator for that chapter, and if you still have questions, feel free to contact membership@omegaphichi.org

Upcoming events
and ways to get involved
🎀 Breast Cancer Awareness month 🎀 is in October!
See this link for events near you: https://www.cancer.org/involved/fundraise/making-strides-against-breast-cancer.html
Civic Events: Volunteers needed!!
October 19th! See flyers in next panel!
Contact Diane Romero from NU for the civic event at Rutgers University Newark or the National VP (Paola) at vp@omegaphichi.org for the civic event in Jersey City, NJ
“Vote Wise: Empower your Voice”
Date: October 24th, 2024 at 7:30pm via zoom. See flyer in the panel below!
Date: November 17th, 2024
Location: MU Chapter - Montclair State University
Time: 2:30pm distribution will take place in
Paterson, NJ, address to be shared as we
get closer to the date. VPs plan ahead to
be in attendance!
Learn to register here: https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/register-to-vote/
Treasury updateS
NOTE: October fundraiser coming soon- TBA
Reminder to all that are submitting dues upon delayed payments- all must be sent through Zelle to deposit@omegaphichi.org
Mantra for the month- you’re only nervous when you don’t prepare...

The National Board of Directors is reviewing the process. For those who were in attendance at Omega Weekend in Atlanta, we were able to begin this discussion and noticed the concerns from both Undergraduate Sisters and Alumna Sisters.
We are listening and looking for your feedback. We will be utilizing this form to collect information from the sisterhood
We urge sisters to be intentional about pledging and mindful when it comes to our New Member Education Process and what Greek Life looks like today.
This form will be open until November 16th, 2024. This is to allow as much feedback as possible, while giving the opportunity to observe while the Fall 2024 New Member Education Process takes place.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to membership@omegaphichi.org.